Tuning the Chevrolet Bolt

"Thank you for reading our Chevrolet Bolt tuning tips."

The Bolt is a good car modification project to try. If you do your research then you can create an awesome Bolt.

We review and look at Bolt tuning and summarise the ultimate upgrades. Chevrolet Bolts offer good returns with the right suspension, and EV mods you can definitely maximize your driving experience.

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Handling/Suspension upgrades

Handling modifications are top of many to do lists for the Bolt.

Setting a little negative camber on the fronts and a degree or two of toe in to improve stability or toe out for better cornering, will dramatically improve your Bolt in handling and cornering.

We would go to a maximum drop of 28mm - 42 mm. on most models. You risk rubbing on the arches if you go lower than this.

Turning our attention to the engine we need to get a bit more power out of the top end.

Following our guidance for modding your Bolt you will create a practical sporty car that will embarrass bigger cars.

Power mods.

Adding additional motors to each wheel or both axles (Depending on the cars configuration) will give twice the grunt of the original setup.

Inverter modifications

The inverter takes the batteries DC current and switches this to an AC (alternating current) for the motor.

In it's simplest form, the faster the motor spins, the faster the switching rate for the AC current. Pulses need to vary according to load, and voltage peaks need to be consistent and strong.

Battery upgrades

Increase the battery capacity, and perhaps even running a slightly higher voltage will release more power.

Car computer management upgrades

If you can access the management you can usually bypass some of the safeguards to extract more power.

As with all cars, manufacturers trim power output to meet reliability and warranty requirements, and are usually overcautious.

It's not unheard of for an EV maker to release a car, get the car insurance graded and then release a software update later on that increases the power.

Battery life may be reduced, range may suffer but you'll get more power.

Alloy wheel upgrades.

The benefits of alloy wheels include a lower unsprung weight and more efficient brake cooling. Further improvements can be made to your cars handling with the addition of soft compound tire. The downside to large alloys on your Bolt is that you alter your effective final drive ratio and this will have a detrimental effect on acceleration.

Although some people have installed larger rims without problems we would restrict ourselves to a 16 inch rim size as the maximum.

For more information on Tuning your car please join us in our friendly forum where you can discuss Bolt options in more detail with our Bolt owners. It would also be worth reading our unbiased Chevrolet tuning articles to get a full grasp of the benefits and drawbacks of each modification.

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