Fiat Tempra Tuning

"Tempra Tantrums"

The Tempra is a good car tuning project to play with. Many of our Tempra members uprate the handling of their cars, this will certainly increase your enjoyment of the car. Drop the car by as much as 35mm and fit stiffer dampers. NB: bigger drops will need other modifications in most instances.

Top end power should be your overall aim on the Tempra with a nice fat peak torque band.

The Fiat Tempra makes a good sleeper if you debadge them and fit the most powerful engine you can find!

Smaller engines do not provide much of a return in terms of power so start with a bigger engine. Engine swaps are a good option if you have a small engine size.

Fiat Tempra Tuning modifications.

This will help to ensure you retain some economy low down. One of the best mechanical mods you can do is to fit a fast road cam. Don't forget to uprate the fuelling when you are increasing the power - it makes the car more thirsty. A fuel pressure boost valve can make the car more responsive and respond better although it will not increase the power output. Uprated injectors will enable you to supply sufficient fuel to the engine. When increasing your fuelling with bigger injectors you will also need to get a bigger fuel pump to supply it.

Fiat Tempra Intake and Exhaust Tuning.

The next area for modification is the intake and exhaust. Maximum power gains come from a full induction kit with a cold air feed, this can be sited within an air box but a panel filter should suffice for most applications. On small engines you will actually lose low down power so TorqueCars suggest you use a panel air filter instead. Sports exhausts will certainly help air flow through the engine but do not go too large or you will reduce the flow rate. Stick to 1.5 to 2.5 inches for best results.

Gas flowing the head will allow you to maximise your air/fuel charge. Leave this to a professional though with a proper flow bench and machine tools In nearly all cases of Tempra tuning your clutch will start to slip and this needs to be uprated - read our article on clutches for more information.

Fiat Tempra Wheel modifications.

Because alloy wheels are lighter they improve performance and they help to cool the brake disks. Large Tempra alloy wheels can decrease performance. If you get big alloy wheels you will be changing your final drive ratio and will have a higher top speed but lower acceleration.

For this reason we would advise sticking to a maximum wheel size of 16 inches, although we know some of our members have gone larger than this with no problems and aim to keep the overall rotation the same as OEM standards.

For more information on Tuning your car please join us in our friendly forum where you can discuss Tempra options in more detail with our Tempra owners. It would also be worth reading our unbiased Fiat tuning articles to get a full grasp of the benefits and drawbacks of each modification.

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