Cylinder head Tuning

"Don’t lose your head"

head tuning

The company who submitted this press release is no longer trading so we have removed their details from this article, but as the article is popular we have kept an archive of it live. We hope to recommend another company instead and are looking for a suitable advertiser for this page - use our advertise here link for more details.

When tuning engines the cylinder head is one of the most important areas of concentration.

They are very easily overlooked for a on its own or exhaust manifold where this is one of the most important parts to look at to tune.

Allowing more air and fuel mixture into the cylinder is critical for the basic formula of more air/fuel more power basics.

When looking to start tuning do not always go for the obvious performance parts that will only gain you a small amount of power and in the grand scheme of looking for more power will not be such power vs. money.

Cylinder head tuning requires a wholistic approach, parts work together and you get a larger aggregate power gain.

Look for a company that offers a ‘Drive-in, Drive-out service’ that allows for ease of tuning becoming more of a reality without the drawback.

Complete engine tuning service including, no outside sourcing! Some of the services offer by [Company no longer trading] are:
Full Head Flowing- Inlets and exhaust including swirl flowing which is a unique process that allows the air and fuel to spin into a Vortex allowing a better burn and more power!!!

Combustion Chamber Work- We will remove ‘hot spots increase flow and distribution of air/fuel. Creating a better burn pattern in the cylinders.

Big Valve Conversions: This is self explanatory, allowing more air/fuel and exhaust to enter the cylinder and leave; this is good for turbo applications allowing more air and fuel into the cylinders
Gas Flowing- We provide gas flowing results that will show the improvement in gas flowing into the chambers,

Camshafts: We provide Camshaft fitment setting the cams and providing the cams we have a full range of cams in stock and can re-profile originals. We can fit these as part of a complete service,

Specialist Heads: We offer complete head design for specific applications, for instance if you would like to turbo your vehicle we would design the head to suit.

This is only the tip of what we do at [company name removed - no longer trading].

This company offered all service from Engine Conversions, Suspension Setup, chassis modifications, Roll Cage fitment, Rally/Race Preparation, ICE Installs, Styling, Brake upgrades, Chassis modification, Turbo/Supercharger kits and custom installs, and much more

This company is no longer trading so we have removed their details from this article. We hope to recommend another company instead and are looking for a suitable advertiser for this page.

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