GTR Tuning

"The supercar beating super saloon car."

The Nissan GTR breaks new ground for performance cars. Clever electronics give physics defying levels of grip, traction and control.

Nissan were under pressure to restrict the power of the car for reasons of economy, responsibility and pressure from road safety lobbyists. However they pushed the envelope as far as they dare and build into the cars ECU measures to restrict the car to the factory levels of power.

Nissan GTR

If the car is, as judged by the onboard GPS, on an approved race track or circuit the speed limiter is removed, but on public roads  the top speed is limited to around 120mph. Further restrictions in the ECU detect unusual cornering forces, additional power modifications and the like the and if it smells "non standard modifications" then the ECU goes into limp home mode.

The GTR with all of it's electronic cleverness is one of the best drivers cars out there, competing with most thoroughbred sports cars. We can't wait to see what the major tuning houses can do with their GTR tuning as they unlock the potential.

It should come as no surprise that to get any power gains from your GTR we have to look at remapping the GTR's ECU. Doing this opens up a lot of additional parameters and permits the removal of the speed restrictions.

We are already seeing a number of performance upgrades on offer that claim power levels of over 1000bhp but most GTR owners will be happy with something around 500 bhp.

There are not many aftermarket bodykits on offer for the GTR yet but these will surely hit the streets in numbers as the GTR enters the used car market. We can however find some carbon fibre styling parts like the mirrors and rear wing so we expect to see more over the coming months.

The engine is the powerhouse of the GTR and it is here that we can start to see real power gains. Adding a larger turbo will provide more power and after a remap is probably the largest single gain you can see.

Treating the engine to a full strip down and balance along with some stronger pistons, crank and other ancillary components will provide a good basis for your GTR tuning project.

If you really want to raise the power and have deep pockets then getting the head professionally polished, ported and flowed with a 5 angle valve job will release a few more hp.

The popular modifications for the GTR include a full sports exhaust system and sports catalyst which helps make the car sound more aggressive and powerful and air intake modifications. The power gains from these are nominal but adding in aggressive cams and a lighter flywheel will push the power levels ever higher.

Any performance mods on your Nissan GTR tuning project will require a full remap to be done to fully unlock the power and avoid any potential limp home issues. We strongly recommend a custom remap on a rolling road if you are serious about power. The generic off the shelf remaps are sufficient but will not fully realise the potential of your tuning parts.

If you want to discuss GTR tuning projects in more detail please join our friendly car forums where you will meet enthusiasts from all around the world.

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