Laguna Tuning

"Laguna Tuning"

The Renault laguna was a good attempt at creating and affordable and comfortable executive car. It was clearly aimed at a wide audience with a massive array of engine option, even from its launch date.

The best engines for a Laguna Tuning project range from the 2.0T 16valve engine to the super smooth 3.0V6  engines. The former is easier to tune up with a simple remap and sports exhaust and induction kit offering a boost of around 40bhp. The 1.8 and 1.6 engines are fairly dull and do not make good candidates for tuning.

Lagunas respond quite well for tuning having been set up as motorway cruisers, there is quite a bit of hidden power waiting to get out!

Many Laguna owners that TorqueCars have spoken do rate the 205bhp engine from 2005-2007 as the later 2.0 engines were only offered at 170 bhp, no doubt an economy compromise. This makes the MK2 the best model for the car tuner and it certainly has a fairly large range of extras on offer.

The Mk3 Turbo Diesel engines, the DCi have a lot to offer and are probably a little more tunable than the petrol engines from a cost per BHP point of view. A remap on these is the way to go.

The ride is very soft and comfortable on all the Laguna's we have seen so one of your first modifications would be lower and stiffer suspension.

Join us in our forum and meet up with other Laguna owners where you can chat and swap tuning ideas for your car. Also have a read of our tuning articles to see what the pros and cons are of the many tuning options open to you.

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