Easily compare the annual fuel costs of two cars from MPG.

"Annual fuel costs from MPG"

Now you can see what your annual fuel cost is based on your annual mileage, your MPG and the cost of fuel per litre.

Calculate your annual fuel cost from MPG and compare 2 cars side by side. It is handy if you are buying a newer car and want to see how the annual fuel costs compare.

We don't take into account the price of inflation on the fuel price so we recommend that you add a bit to the fuel cost so it averages out. For example if the fuel cost is 140pence putting 146 pence should cover you for the hikes during the rest of the year.

If you want to cover a longer period than 1 year just enter the total mileage you will cover.

You do not have to enter the MPG for a second car and you will only need the second fuel cost if you want to compare a different fuel type (LPG,Petrol,Diesel).

TorqueCars Fuel Calculators:

We have quite a number of handy fuel calculators and will be adding more soon.

MPG calculator - Work out your MPG from distance and litres. This will remember your last 4 results so you can compare them and gives some fuel saving tips.
Fuel TAX Calculator - Similar to our MPG calculator but allows you to see how much tax you are paying each year on your fuel. 
L/100km calculator - If you live in the UK and need to work out how many l/100km but only have the miles you have covered then this calculator is for you.

If you want any other calculators please let us know in the feedback box and we'll do our best to implement them, also suggestions for improvements are gratefully received.

Fuel is for most people still only a small part of your motoring costs, the depreciation of your car is a much bigger factor and this is why a lot of people would prefer to buy a 3 year old car rather than a new one.

New cars have much better MPG figures than older ones primarily due to advances in technology but in the real world it is generally very hard to meet the factory claims of mpg. A lot depends on your driving style and the types of journeys you make. A lot of short journeys on a cold engine can add 25% to the fuel usage and lots of really long journeys at a sensible cruising speed could reduce fuel consumption by 25%.

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