Are you a driver or a skiver.

"Do you know what it takes to be a great driver?"

Do you spend time arguing with your mates over who is the best driver. Now you have a chance to see who is the better driver by taking our driver aptitude test.

Settle the arguments for good using the definitive personality profile and determine beyond reasonable doubt and see if you have the aptitude of a good driver.

Your answers are carefully ranked and assessed by our algorithm and we produce a full aptitude report outlining your strengths and weaknesses as a driver.

Take our driver assessment and see if you've got what it takes to be a good driver.

There are people who think they can drive well. And then there are people who know they can drive well. And there are others that don't really know.

Settle the doubt and see if you have what it takes to join the ranks of a great driver. This is intended to be a bit of fun but we hope it helps get people thinking about improving their driving abilities and standards.

Pass on this link to your mates so you can compare results and print off your profile so you can show the world how good you really are!

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