Work out how much UK fuel tax you are paying.

"A taxing subject"

Press ctrl + D to book mark this UK fuel tax Calculator. It certainly suprised us how much taxation we are paying on our fuel. The UK has one of the highest fuel duty rates in the world.

Enter Mileage and Fuel used since last fill-up:
Use your trip counter and reset when you fill up ensuring that the tank is full then when empty fill up to full again noting the mileage covered. Then insert your annual mileage to get your annual tax costs

TorqueCars Fuel tax notes:

Changes in the price of fuel over the year will increase the amount of tax you pay. This calculator can only provide your taxation based on current fuel prices.

BioFuels are taxed differently so this calculator will only work for Petrol and Diesel fuels.

All UK pump fuels have a small percentage of Bio Fuels added since April. There was no reduction in the price when this happened.

Demand for oil is the primary reason for high prices. Decreasing the amount of fuel we use will bring the price down and mean that we are paying less tax.

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