Quarter Mile time calculator

"You still owe me a 10 second car" - Fast & Furious"

Please note that this calculator cannot be more than 95% accurate for every make and model and does not take into account the age of a car, windspeed and gearing and air temperature.

This calculator has been based upon a number of theories* of drag time calculations and our own research from car performance data statistics.

We have weighted the theories to give the most accurate results as each of the theories skew results for different hp engines. *Professor G T Fox, Patrick Hale ( Auto Math Handbook) . We hope to fine tune these results a little further and would welcome your feedback.

To calculate your approximate 1/4 mile time enter the hp & weight

HP   Weight kg (incl driver!)

1/4 mile time

It is an interesting exercise to see what the power requirements and weight limits are to meet your ideal strip time. The times shown are effectively the best most drivers can hope to achieve.

Q) I can't enter drive train air temps, altitude or any other essential factors.
A) This is a very simple calculator and takes averaged results. Larger power figures are skewed to assume RWD and lower power figures are assumed to be FWD. We hope to have a more accurate calculator with extra options to fine tune this further and welcome all feedback.

Q) How accurate is the calculator.
A) It can only be as accurate as the data that has gone into it. Most visitors report it being within .3 of a second of their best time but there have been one or two that have been wildly inaccurate but these are generally down to the use of slicks and other pro drag setup factors that we have not included. For street cars you can realistically expect to get within .5 of a second of the indicated time, depending on your change times and getting a good start.

Q) Can I link to this quarter mile calculator in my favourite forum or my own website?
A) Yes links to this page are very welcome and always appreciated. However we do not have an option for embedding the calculator into other sites (yet).

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