TorqueCars Turbo engine power gain calculator.

"With great power comes great irresponsibility"

Please note that this calculator should be considered a fun tool and cannot be more than 80% accurate for every make and model.

It cannot take into account the age of a car and is representative of a typical turbo charged car with popular modifications. 

No claims or quotes can be verified as accurate for your car, hopefully it will show you how little power you get for typical mods.

Generally the more boxes you tick the less accurate the calculator will be (2 -4 boxes should be reasonably accurate) and we welcome your feedback to enable us to improve the accuracy of this.

TURBO Power gain calculator - if you have a NASP engine click here.

Standard Bhp from makers figures for an unmodified car: bhp

Full Sports Exhaust This is intended to show that to get the maximum benefit from 1 item you must add other items. IE the intake on it's own is virtually useless unless you add a sports exhaust and better fuelling.

(It is not practical in the real world to add all of the items but we allow it in this simulation and you will see that it is easier to buy a faster car than upgrade yours!)

Fast Road Cams
Injectors/fuelling upgrade
Bigger turbo/Hybrid turbo
High flow sports Cat (not decat)
Air induction kit
ECU remap
Sport flowed head
Bottom end engine work
NOS (nitrous oxide)
Go faster stripes and fluffy dice!!!

Approximate power after modifications have been added. bhp

The only way to tell for sure is to get your car tested on a rolling road.

Click here
if you want to calculate your 1/4 mile times from the bhp.

Please use the feedback form at the bottom to tell us what you actually
got on a rolling road, which car it was & which mods you did -
this helps us to make this more accurate for everyone!!!

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