Miles per gallon calculator using kilometers covered.

"MPG calculated from KM"


Press ctrl + D to book mark this MPG Calculator and try again after using our fuel saving tips (I bet you get another 50 miles out of a tank!).

Enter kilomters covered and Fuel used since last fill-up:
Use your trip counter and reset when you fill up ensuring that the tank is full then when empty fill up to full again noting the mileage covered.

This calculator is for those living in the UK with import cars which show distance covered in KM instead of miles but still want to see what the MPG is for comparison.

TorqueCars MPG calculator from KM:

Please let us know if we can improve this calculator in any way - we welcome user feedback and this helps us to improve the service we offer.

Use this MPG calculator again - it will remember your last 4 results to enable you to track your success!

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MPG Calculator 2

MPG calculator UK miles per Gallon – calculate MPG