Choice of fuel becomes more critical in a high compression or turbo engine. "One of my Pet(rol) hates!" Fuel: this […]
Roll cages & Roll bars custom fitting kits
Many tracks insist that cars are fitted with roll cages and or roll bars. In motor sport competitions you will see that most regulations also insist on a roll-cage. What is the job of a roll cage and are there any advantages to having one fitted? More and more Torquecars members cars are being fitted with roll cages, so is this just a new styling trend or is there something beneficial to the car tuner?
Roll cages offer protection to the driver and tighter body control.
Ceramic exhaust coatings and exhaust wraps
Under bonnet temperatures are one of the biggest performance killers around.
Quite simply, you want your engine to be sucking in cold air as this carries more oxygen and will allow you to burn more fuel.
The exhaust system is one of the contributors to under bonnet temperatures. You can therefore lag the exhaust to help prevent this heat soak into the engine bay.
Chip Tuning – better engine management.
The days of fiddling around in the engine bay with a spanner to make the car go faster are numbered.
Modern engine computers (ECU’s) take over many of the controls of all aspects of engine management from timing to fuelling and more.
This actually means you get better power, a cleaner burn and more reliable engine but it does not mean the end of tuning.