We look at the advantages of twin scroll turbos, discuss how they work and how to set them up. People have used twin turbos in the past to address many of the problems you hit with a single turbo and the twin scroll turbo offers a neat drop in upgrade and provides many advantages.
What is an induction kit and what does it do.
As induction kits are probably one of the most popular modifications for car tuning projects we thought we should add a introductory article to explain what they are, what they do and the theory behind them.
An induction kit is quite simply an air filter. Most cars have air filters mounted in an air box. These filters are generally constructed of paper which filters out the particles from the air and prevents these from getting into the engine. The airboxes are designed to reduce the noise of the engine and have various vanes and angles cut to maximise this noise reduction.
Roll cages & Roll bars custom fitting kits
Many tracks insist that cars are fitted with roll cages and or roll bars. In motor sport competitions you will see that most regulations also insist on a roll-cage. What is the job of a roll cage and are there any advantages to having one fitted? More and more Torquecars members cars are being fitted with roll cages, so is this just a new styling trend or is there something beneficial to the car tuner?
Roll cages offer protection to the driver and tighter body control.
Suspension setup and suspension settings and fine tuning.
Fine tuning your suspension setup for your driving style. "Things are bound toe improve!" Many people just concentrate on lowering […]