Weight reduction and lightening a car to increase performance.
Maximise your performance gains with strict weight reduction. "Weight reduction. Putting your car on a diet.." Lighter cars are quicker […]
How to avoid engine knock and pingingSo what exactly is engine knock and how dangerous is it? What causes engine knock and how can it be avoided?
You may notice a knocking or rattling noise from your engine or a sudden loss of power under full throttle.
Immediately back off the throttle and only use low rpm engine speeds until you can get the engine investigated.
The chances are that you are suffering from a condition known as “engine knock”.
Benefits and drawbacks of engine water injection systemsYou’ve finished tuning up your engine but you find that at full throttle the engine splutters or stalls. When you get the car on a diagnostic you find that the knock sensor is kicking in to protect the engine.
Engine knock is a condition where the fuel inside the engine ignites prematurely and occurs within an engine running at high compression. (It can also be caused by other factors including low octane/poor quality fuel or hot spots within the engine.)
Engine Balancing – balancing pistons, rods and crank.The main areas for engine balancing. "A balanced article." We all know what happens when a wheel is fitted to […]