Superchargers offer the promise of substantial power gains with very few drawbacks. So lets look at the growing popularity of supercharger kits and see what its all about.
A supercharger is quite simply an air compressor which helps push more air into an engine. These are driven by a belt from the engine effectively creating pull on the engine sapping up to 30% of the engines power.
Roll cages & Roll bars custom fitting kits
Many tracks insist that cars are fitted with roll cages and or roll bars. In motor sport competitions you will see that most regulations also insist on a roll-cage. What is the job of a roll cage and are there any advantages to having one fitted? More and more Torquecars members cars are being fitted with roll cages, so is this just a new styling trend or is there something beneficial to the car tuner?
Roll cages offer protection to the driver and tighter body control.
Best cold air intake induction kits and performance impact
Cold air intakes and induction kits and the effect on performance. "Suck it and see – induction kits." Improving the […]
High performance engine tuning mods that improve performance.
Careful selection of your internal engine tuning modifications can lift your engine from a purring kitten into a roaring lion!
While it is tempting to throw in every modification you can, it’s worth noting that not all mods work well together. This is something we cover in our articles as we steer you to the right decision on mods for your car.