Car & engine tuning – unbiased tuning tips.

This tuning reference guide is intended to assist on which mods to do on your car and will try to give a realistic opinion of what the car will end up like.

Track cars are regularly rebuilt and serviced weekly – we have to tune our cars to work for a year without a service interval, plus it has to cope with rough roads and poor fuel and a wide range of weather conditions. It is therefore vital that you choose the right car tuning mods.

Twin scroll turbos

We look at the advantages of twin scroll turbos, discuss how they work and how to set them up. People have used twin turbos in the past to address many of the problems you hit with a single turbo and the twin scroll turbo offers a neat drop in upgrade and provides many advantages.

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Building a 10 second car

We look at what it takes to build a 10 second car and examine the power and weight requirements to reach the sub 11 second goal on the drag strip.

Follow our tips and you can make a 10 second car quite cheaply and within your budget with some power mods and serious weight reduction.

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How to add a turbo to a non turbo car.

The basic reason for forced induction (turbo or supercharger) is not to increase compression or the maximum pressure in an engine cylinder, it is to increase volumetric efficiency (the efficiency of the engine at drawing in air) although forced induction is the most effective method of upping compression.

In computer games we just tick a box, and within seconds our car is fully turbocharged and running much faster. In the real world things are very different.

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Turbo tuning – Aftermarket OEM turbos upgrade kit.

When it comes to Turbo tuning you have pretty much unlimited potential and a wide selection of options.

The more power you want from a turbo the greater the amount of heat it will generate and the bigger the stress on the internal components.

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